Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, diri dan
harta mereka dengan memberikan surga untuk mereka. Mereka berperang pada
jalan Allah; lalu mereka membunuh atau terbunuh. (Itu telah menjadi)
janji yang benar dari Allah di dalam Taurat, Injil dan Aquran. Dan
siapakah yang lebih menepati janjinya (selain) daripada Allah? Maka
bergembiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan itu, dan itulah
kemenangan yang besar (TQS al-Taubah [9]: 111).
Tahun baru islam 1434 H aku pun belajar dari para syuhada.Dari Ketua sayap militer kelompok islam Hamas, Ahmed Said Khalil al-Jabari serta delapan orang lainnya tewas di Gaza akibat serangan udara dan laut Israel.
Mereka telah mengalami hijrah dari tempat yang fana ke tempat yang kekal disisiNya.
I liked the answer of this Germaniun Muslim scholar when he was asked about terrorism and Islam :
Who started the first world war ? Muslims ? Who started the second world war ? Muslims ?
Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia ? Muslims ??
Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in south America ? Muslims ??
Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and
88% of them died and was thrown in Atlantic ocean ? Muslims ??
No , They
weren't Muslims!!!
First of all, You have to define terrorism
If a non-Muslim do something is crime.
But if a
Muslim commit same..he is terrorist...
So first remove this double
standard...then come to the point!!!
O you who have believed,
let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may
be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women;
perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one
another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames.
Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And
whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the
wrongdoers. (Q.S Al-Hujurat: 11)
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